Recommendations for Opioid Settlement Spending

By Ishara Nanayakkara

Multiple state, local and tribal governments have pursued litigation against four U.S. pharmaceutical companies alleging corporate responsibility for the severity of the opioid epidemic. In July of 2021, those corporations agreed to pay a total of $26 billion to settle thousands of individual civil lawsuits. This funding is being used to address the crisis in various ways such as revamping old programs and establishing new ones. Many states have also created committees to make recommendations on how these funds should be allocated. A variety of research-based recommendations are available for policymakers to consider, including:

Distributing Naloxone

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has recognized Naloxone as one of the most effective strategies for addressing overdoses. Naloxone is a medicine that can swiftly reverse an overdose when administered into a muscle or given intranasally. But it must be readily available to individuals and a standard part of first responder equipment. The demand for Naloxone is rapidly rising but access is still not widespread. This may largely be due to the high cost of the product and the stigma surrounding opioid use. States are taking action to increase access to Naloxone through Opioid Education and Naloxone Distribution programs. As of 2020, at least 23 states had issued standing orders for local pharmacies, allowing individuals to purchase it without a prescription.

Detecting Fentanyl

Fentanyl is a highly addictive synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times stronger than morphine. This substance is sometimes laced into other drugs, which can lead to overdose and death for individuals that unknowingly consume it. Researchers at The Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University spoke to individuals that use drugs and found that the significant majority were interested in having their drugs checked for fentanyl contamination so that it could be avoided. The researchers tested three drug-checking technologies—BTNX testing strips, the TruNarc Raman spectroscopy machine and the Bruker Alpha machine—for effectiveness. Fentanyl test strips proved to be safe and easy to use. A one-dollar strip works as a pregnancy test does: a test strip is dipped into a cup containing a few grains of the substance dissolved in water. These tests are highly accurate and can detect even tiny amounts of fentanyl—less than one microgram. These tests can also detect other harmful substances, such as acetyl fentanyl, furanyl and carfentanil. Widespread availability and use of test strips could help prevent accidental overdoses due to fentanyl contamination.


The causes of opioid addiction varies among individuals, but there are common risk factors such as financial and housing instability, untreated mental health challenges and chronic physical pain. There are multiple policies and programs that can address these risk factors, ranging from providing housing assistance to creating programs to help individuals become involved in the community.

Educating young people is one well researched, evidence-based policy to prevent substance use and abuse. There are several long-term programs focused on children in school, such as Fast Track and the LifeSkills Training Program. These initiatives vary in structure, with some focusing on drug education and others on shaping overall behavior. These programs can start as early as kindergarten and have been found to effectively reduce drug and alcohol use and can even modify aggressive behaviors.

As mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are commonly correlated with substance abuse, programs that address an individual’s mental health can also help prevent drug use. Programs that “help people have better outlooks” have been found to increase the sense of purpose and well-being among people who are vulnerable to depression. In addition to providing employment assistance, increasing volunteering opportunities and access to community activities—such as art projects and library visits—reduces isolation and helps individuals remain occupied, thereby improving their mental health.

State, local and tribal governments can also direct funds toward ensuring racial equity as the rate of overdoses and death have been increasing in Black populations. Black individuals make up 5% of drug users, but they constitute 33% of those in state prisons for drug offenses. Increasing equitable access to treatments including medication can help address the issue.

Resources for Governments

Rural Health Information HubSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationThe Bloomberg School of Public Health – Johns Hopkins Resource on Youth Programs for Substance Abuse PreventionRAND Resource on Effectively Allocating Opioid Settlement Funds

Sales Tax Holidays Explained

By Blair Lozier

As inflation continues to put pressures on communities across the country, many states are implementing a sales tax holiday, or a period when specific items are exempt from states sales tax, to help encourage consumer spending and provide relief for those individuals feeling the pinch of rising costs.

A common example is a “back to school” tax holiday, which removes sales tax on items children need for school including shoes, clothing and school supplies . Recently, states have enacted emergency supplies holidays at times when natural disasters are most prevalent. The tax relief is generally focused on power generators, housing protection and materials to help recover from a disaster that occurs.

This is not a new practice — since 1997, 27 states have implemented at least one sales tax holiday. Michigan and Ohio enacted the first sales tax holidays in 1980, focused on automobile sales. A few years later, New York implemented a sales tax holiday on clothing to compete with neighboring New Jersey, which did not have a sales tax on clothing at the time. In 2021, 17 states temporarily suspended sales taxes to encourage consumer spending, particularly on goods they would purchase anyway.

Note: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon do not tax sales of consumer goods.
Data from 1980-2017 was gathered through the Tax Foundation.

2022 Sales Tax Holidays

Back to School

This year, 16 states have enacted a “back to school” sales tax holiday stretching between July 15 and Aug. 27, with 11 of those states having holidays during Aug. 5-7. All 16 states include clothing and footwear as sales tax exemptions, and eight include school supplies, accessories and computers among the tax-exempt items. Florida’s holiday also includes learning aids.

StateDatesWhat is IncludedItemized list
AlabamaJuly 15-17Clothing, computers, computer software supplies, school supplies and booksQualifying Items
ArkansasAug. 6-7Clothing, clothing accessories, electronic devices, school supplies, art supplies and instructional materialsQualifying Items
ConnecticutAug. 21-27Clothing and footwearQualifying items
FloridaJuly 25-Aug. 7Learning aid items, clothing and accessories, school supplies and computers and computer-related accessoriesQualifying Items  
IllinoisAug. 5-14Clothing, footwear and school suppliesQualifying Items  
IowaAug. 5-6Clothing and footwearQualifying Items  
MarylandAugust 14-20Clothing, footwear and accessoriesQualifying Items  
MississippiJuly 29-30Clothing, footwear, accessories and school suppliesQualifying Items  
MissouriAug. 5-7Clothing, school supplies, computers and software and graphing calculatorsQualifying Items
New MexicoAug. 5-7Clothing, footwear, computers and school suppliesQualifying Items  
OhioAug. 5-7Clothing and school suppliesQualifying Items  
OklahomaAug. 5-7Clothing and footwearQualifying Items
South CarolinaAug. 5-7Clothing, accessories, footwear, school supplies, computers and backpacksQualifying Items  
TennesseeJuly 29-31Clothing, school supplies and computersQualifying Items  
TexasAug. 5-7Clothing, footwear, school supplies, face masks, backpacks and school supplies Clothing School Supplies
West VirginiaAug. 5-8Clothing, school supplies, instruction materials, computers and sports equipmentQualifying Items  

Energy Efficient Appliances

Four states have enacted sales tax holidays in 2022 that are designed to encourage renting, leasing or buying energy-efficient appliances. In Missouri, individual counties have the discretion about whether their merchants participate.

StateDatesWhat is IncludedItemized List
FloridaJuly 1, 2022- June 30, 2023Energy star appliancesQualifying Items
MarylandFeb. 19-21Energy Star appliancesQualifying Items
MissouriApril 19-25Energy Star appliancesQualifying Items
TexasMay 28-30Energy Star appliancesQualifying Items

Severe Weather Preparedness

Three states that are prone to emergencies or disasters enacted sales tax holidays for emergency supplies this year. Qualifying items generally include generators, batteries and various supplies under a designated dollar amount.

StateDatesWhat is IncludedItemized List
AlabamaFeb. 25-27Emergency suppliesQualifying Items
FloridaMay 28-June 10Emergency and pet evacuation suppliesQualifying Items
TexasApril 23-25Emergency suppliesQualifying Items

Other Forms of Sales Tax Holidays

StateDatesWhat is IncludedItemized List
ConnecticutApril 10-16Clothing and footwearQualifying Items
FloridaJuly 1-7Freedom Week salesQualifying Items
FloridaSept. 3-9Skilled worker toolsQualifying Items
FloridaOct. 1-31Motor fuelQualifying Items
Massachusetts  Aug. 13-14Annual holidayQualifying Items
MississippiAug. 26-28Second Amendment holidayQualifying Items
NevadaOct. 28-30National Guard members pay no sales taxQualifying Items
TennesseeAug. 1-31GroceriesQualifying Items

Costs and Benefits

Tax holidays can have a direct impact on consumers. The timing of consumer spending is often responsive to tax holidays, according to the Federal Reserve. A Massachusetts study found that sales tax holidays boost sales during the entire month of the holiday. According to economic analysts, consumers with higher income take advantage of sales tax holidays more than lower-income consumers. However, whether the holidays contribute to long-term economic activity depends on additional various internal and external factors.

Additional Resources:

2022 Sales Tax Holidays:

Sales Tax Holiday History:

Weekly Update: July 25 – News and Resources for State Leaders

In this week’s newsletter, state leaders can find information on recent actions by Congress, as well as resources on expanding affordable housing, spending opioid settlement funds and navigating another public health emergency.

To view the CSG fiscal policy website, visit:  

CSG Resources

Discover how Delaware is utilizing interbranch collaboration to allocate American Rescue Plan Act funds. This article is the second in a series that highlights innovative ways states are using federal funds.A CSG member recently reached out for information on how states can use money from the $26 billion opioid lawsuit settlement. CSG identified three options for policymakers to consider, including Naloxone distribution, Fentanyl detection and prevention programs. Read more: Recommendations for Opioid Settlement Spending.

Key Updates for State Leaders 

The U.S. Senate has passed The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which would make nearly $433 billion of new investments in energy, climate and health care and reduce the federal deficit by nearly $248 billion. The legislation is expected to raise approximately $725 billion by introducing changes to corporate taxes, reforming prescription drug pricing and increasing Internal Revenue Service enforcement. The U.S. House of Representatives intends to take up the legislation later this week.The Biden administration announced last week it will soon allocate $5 billion to state governments to begin building a national network of electric charging stations. The funds are part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Individual state allocations are available here. Each state will be required to submit an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan to access these funds.President Biden signed the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America Fund Act on Monday, August 8. Most media coverage has focused on the bill’s substantial investment in the private sector semiconductor industry, but there are several components important for states[BS1] , particularly in the areas of research, education and workforce development.The U.S. Department of Commerce has awarded $500 million to 32 recipients nationwide to establish workforce training programs. The funds come from the American Rescue Plan Act. The list of recipients is available here.The U.S. Department of the Treasury released a new guide on How to use State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Affordable Housing and increased the flexibility for government use of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to fully finance long-term housing loans.The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared monkeypox to be a public health emergency on August 4. The declaration makes federal funds available, allows the Food and Drug Administration to take a variety of medical countermeasures, including streamlining vaccine approval protocols, and more.The federal government has established, which is “the premier source of heat and health information for the nation to reduce the health, economic, and infrastructural impacts of extreme heat.” The site includes a series of U.S. maps tracking heat forecasts and health information for at-risk populations.

Putting American Rescue Plan Act Dollars to Work: Delaware

By Christina Gordley

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 provided $195 billion directly to states through the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. States are to use this assistance to:

Respond to the negative economic impacts of the public health emergency.Provide premium pay for specific professions.Replace lost revenue.Invest in water, sewer and broadband infrastructure.Provide assistance to disproportionately impacted households and communities.

States have focused on how to best use the funds and sustain long-term economic recovery since the relief was enacted in March of 2021. Recently, the Senate Finance Committee requested the Government Accountability Office begin a review and assessment of how states have used the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. Just as the impact of the pandemic has varied by state and region, the use of funds and the transparency surrounding spending has differed across the country.

Cross branch collaboration and innovation

Generally, the bicameral Joint Finance Committee is responsible for writing Delaware’s annual general fund operating budget. However, the committee is not responsible for allocating federal funds like the unanticipated funds received from the American Rescue Plan Act. In 1977, Delaware established the Delaware State Clearinghouse Committee for the coordination of federal and nonfederal grants to maximize the use of resources. The committee has a unique composition involving policymakers from the legislative and executive branches:

The chair of the Joint Finance Committee.The vice chair of the Joint Finance Committee.The controller general.The director of the Office of Management and Budget.The secretary of state.The secretary of finance.One senator appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate.One senator appointed by the minority leader of the Senate.One representative appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives.One representative appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives.

The clearinghouse committee reviews and authorizes the use of all federal funds entering the state, whether for new programs recommended by the governor or formula block grants established by the federal awards. The committee reviews applications and reports submitted by individual agencies to spend federal and nonfederal grants, including ARPA funding.

Transparency, risk and oversight

Delaware’s Office of the Governor maintains a Rescue Plan Website with an extensive list of projects and initiatives funded by the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. Included in the website is a brief description of each recipient program or project, the total award and the amount spent to date. As of July 26, the committee and Gov. Carney have announced a dedicated use for approximately 100 allocations totaling roughly $630 million of the $925 million received.

The website fulfills the requirement of the U.S. Department of the Treasury Compliance and Reporting Guidelines that the 2021 Recovery Plan Performance Reports submitted to the Treasury be made available on a public-facing website. Delaware goes beyond Treasury requirements to include the January and April 2022 project and expenditure reports that give a detailed breakdown of each item, category, overall amount allocated, amount spent to date and description.

The Delaware Internal Compliance Review Policy for the American Rescue Plan Act is outlined and posted on the website to “ensure proper stewardship” of the funds. The policy is designed to ensure that funds are used effectively and in compliance with federal and state regulations. An internal compliance policy addresses how entities awarding funds should rank and assess the risk of any sub-recipients. A pre-qualifying questionnaire and a formal risk analysis are provided for each project and used to evaluate the possible threat to compliance or damage to the state. In addition to regular reporting, a compliance review will be completed with the use of an outside audit as needed. The Compliance Review Policy provides a list of the various items a subrecipient should be accounting for and establishes the internal control process to set expectations for what to monitor during and after the project timeline. Establishing these guidelines in advance can help to alleviate fraud, measure performance and reduce future audit costs.

Equity and Inclusion

The unprecedented infusion of funds presents an opportunity for states to evaluate their programs and policies while developing approaches to further advance equity for all individuals and populations. States can amend or eliminate programs and policies that unintentionally create a barrier to achieving economic and health equity. For example, Delaware is using rescue plan funds to set up the Tenant Rent-Reporting Pilot Program to subsidize the cost of reporting timely rental payments to credit bureaus. Building a strong credit score is one of the keys to securing a home, vehicle ownership, personal and business loans, insurance and employment that may require a credit check. Participation in the program is voluntary and the pilot program will serve about 400 residents from disadvantaged populations across the state.

In another example, the Delaware Workforce Development Academy was created to increase the participation of women, minorities and disadvantaged individuals in the highway construction industry. Delaware is directing $100 million of ARPA support for the “Community Investment Recovery Fund” to support community centers and nonprofit organizations that provide critical assistance to individuals, families and vulnerable populations, particularly during adverse times. The grant program’s goal is to strengthen the delivery of services, grow a more equitable economy and help address systemic challenges.

Like many states, Delaware is working to ensure an equitable recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. It has utilized funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to invest in education, workforce, housing, communities and health and human services.

This story is the second in a series that will highlight the use of American Rescue Plan Act funds by state governments.

How is your state using American Rescue Plan Act funds to make an impact? You can help The Council of State Governments tell your story. Email [email protected] to let us know how your state is successfully using this funding.

Recommendations for Opioid Settlement Spending

By Ishara Nanayakkara

Multiple state, local and tribal governments have pursued litigation against four U.S. pharmaceutical companies alleging corporate responsibility for the severity of the opioid epidemic. In July of 2021, those corporations agreed to pay a total of $26 billion to settle thousands of individual civil lawsuits. This funding is being used to address the crisis in various ways such as revamping old programs and establishing new ones. Many states have also created committees to make recommendations on how these funds should be allocated. A variety of research-based recommendations are available for policymakers to consider, including:

Distributing Naloxone

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has recognized Naloxone as one of the most effective strategies for addressing overdoses. Naloxone is a medicine that can swiftly reverse an overdose when administered into a muscle or given intranasally. But it must be readily available to individuals and a standard part of first responder equipment. The demand for Naloxone is rapidly rising but access is still not widespread. This may largely be due to the high cost of the product and the stigma surrounding opioid use. States are taking action to increase access to Naloxone through Opioid Education and Naloxone Distribution programs. As of 2020, at least 23 states had issued standing orders for local pharmacies, allowing individuals to purchase it without a prescription.

Detecting Fentanyl

Fentanyl is a highly addictive synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times stronger than morphine. This substance is sometimes laced into other drugs, which can lead to overdose and death for individuals that unknowingly consume it. Researchers at The Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University spoke to individuals that use drugs and found that the significant majority were interested in having their drugs checked for fentanyl contamination so that it could be avoided. The researchers tested three drug-checking technologies—BTNX testing strips, the TruNarc Raman spectroscopy machine and the Bruker Alpha machine—for effectiveness. Fentanyl test strips proved to be safe and easy to use. A one-dollar strip works as a pregnancy test does: a test strip is dipped into a cup containing a few grains of the substance dissolved in water. These tests are highly accurate and can detect even tiny amounts of fentanyl—less than one microgram. These tests can also detect other harmful substances, such as acetyl fentanyl, furanyl and carfentanil. Widespread availability and use of test strips could help prevent accidental overdoses due to fentanyl contamination.


The causes of opioid addiction varies among individuals, but there are common risk factors such as financial and housing instability, untreated mental health challenges and chronic physical pain. There are multiple policies and programs that can address these risk factors, ranging from providing housing assistance to creating programs to help individuals become involved in the community.

Educating young people is one well researched, evidence-based policy to prevent substance use and abuse. There are several long-term programs focused on children in school, such as Fast Track and the LifeSkills Training Program. These initiatives vary in structure, with some focusing on drug education and others on shaping overall behavior. These programs can start as early as kindergarten and have been found to effectively reduce drug and alcohol use and can even modify aggressive behaviors.

As mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are commonly correlated with substance abuse, programs that address an individual’s mental health can also help prevent drug use. Programs that “help people have better outlooks” have been found to increase the sense of purpose and well-being among people who are vulnerable to depression. In addition to providing employment assistance, increasing volunteering opportunities and access to community activities—such as art projects and library visits—reduces isolation and helps individuals remain occupied, thereby improving their mental health.

State, local and tribal governments can also direct funds toward ensuring racial equity as the rate of overdoses and death have been increasing in Black populations. Black individuals make up 5% of drug users, but they constitute 33% of those in state prisons for drug offenses. Increasing equitable access to treatments including medication can help address the issue.

Resources for Governments

State Initiatives to Combat Human Trafficking: New York

By Matthew George

Human trafficking is a prominent issue in all 50 states. The COVID-19 pandemic coincided with an increase in trafficking victims, escalating from 11,500 situations in 2019 to 16,658 the following year.[i]  Many states have proposed legislation to increase criminal penalties for traffickers and protections and civil remedies for those victimized by trafficking. Some states have taken steps to increase funding provided to survivors, increase public awareness and coordinate efforts across state agencies, including transit agencies.

During state legislative sessions in 2021-22, 944 bills were introduced across the U.S. In New York, 55 bills were introduced with 25 enacted. One of those bills, Assembly Bill 3331, requires law enforcement and district attorney offices to advise human trafficking victims of the availability of social and legal services[ii]. Agencies will offer voluntary services, providing an opportunity to connect victims with program providers. This program amends a bill enacted in 2020 enabling the Survivors of Trafficking Attaining Relief Together (START) Act, providing greater protection for survivors of human trafficking, including clearing records of past convictions resulting from exploitation.[iii] NYN Media reports over 100 organizations in support of the bill, additionally reporting that “race, poverty, gender identity, sexual orientation, and immigration status” contribute to those criminalized by traffickers. Additionally, criminal records worsen barriers to “housing, education, employment, childcare, and healthcare.” [iv] In a statement from state Senate sponsor Jessica Ramos, she says the bill will increase the “visibility around the structural challenges experienced by trans and gender-nonconforming New Yorkers” and the START Act gives “survivors of trafficking a fresh start,” prompting new opportunities for employment, access to legal remedies and “break cycles of trauma for thousands of survivors” across the state.

In addition, New York policymakers recently introduced two bills designed to improve recognition technology and criminal rights for those engaging in human trafficking. Senate Bill 736 would require all employees of private transportation services to undergo a standardized human-trafficking recognition program established by the Division of Criminal Justice Services and the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. Both departments work in consultation with the Department of Transportation and the New York State Interagency Task Force on Human Trafficking.[v] The bill is sponsored by Alessandra Biaggi and has bipartisan support in the Assembly and Senate. It was referred to the Social Services Committee January 5, 2022.

Senate Bill 6821 “Directs the commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to establish a sex trafficking awareness and prevention program to provide education and awareness literature and educational materials to all drivers with a commercial motor vehicle license.”[vi] The bill was assigned to the Transportation Committee January 5, 2022.

Senator Persaud, who is Chair of the Senate Social Services Committee of New York State, says “The State of New York continues to have a significantly high number of human trafficking cases reported. S.6821 was drafted to reflect the critical role of New York’s motor vehicle and transport regulators, and the broader transport sector, in combatting trafficking.” New York is an example of how states are attempting to address human trafficking.

[i]    Polaris. (2022, January 11).  Myths, facts, and Statistics. Polaris Project., from

[ii] NY State Assembly Bill 3331. (2022, January 22). NY State Assembly. Retrieved from

[iii]Willbanks, D. (2021, November 22). New York State becomes a national leader in providing survivors of trafficking real justice. Citizen Action of New York. Retrieved from

[iv] Ortega, R. R. (2021, November 18). New law allows human trafficking survivors to clear their records. NYN Media. Retrieved, from

[v] NY State Senate Bill 736. (2022, January 6). NY State Senate. Retrieved from

[vi] NY State Senate Bill 6821. (2022, January 6). NY State Senate. Retrieved from

State Governments Can Help Residents Secure Tax Credits

By Dakota Thomas

State governments can play a critical role in helping their residents get the tax credits they are entitled to receive. Those credits can have a substantial impact in the lives of the individuals and families that need them.  Putting more money into the pockets of families also helps state and local economies by creating demand for goods and services.  The federal government is working with states to reach out to potentially eligible tax credit recipients, especially the child tax credit (CTC) and earned-income tax credit (EITC). 

In a webinar hosted by the White House, a panel of speakers representing various stakeholders emphasized the importance of both “first mile” assistance, meaning outreach and educational efforts, as well as follow up assistance once a person begins the process. The first mile generally involves outreach to make people aware of the potential tax credits and helping determine their eligibility.  Several states have experimented with text message campaigns using lists of possibly eligible residents who are using other programs (e.g. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – SNAP) and there is preliminary evidence of success with that approach. 

State leaders can direct residents to to help them find out if they are eligible and how to apply. States can track whether residents are accessing this information portal by using their state’s unique URL based on their state postal abbreviation. For example, Georgia’s is and Washington’s is States also can partner with Code for America to get help conducting outreach:

Once an individual has learned about the tax credits and determined they are eligible, they may still need further assistance.  For example, many Americans do not actually need to file tax returns, but may still be eligible for tax credits.  For “non-filers,” accessing credits is more difficult as they do not interact with the tax system regularly. To help non-filers, the federal government has set up a non-filer portal: More information is available from the webinar:

Women’s History Month Profile: Jade Gingerich

By: Jade Gingerich, Elise Gurney, and Dalton Goble

Changing Maryland for the better, especially for people with disabilities, is an ongoing commitment for Jade Gingerich. Jade is the Director of Employment Policy at the Maryland Department of Disabilities. She is also a member of the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) National Working Group on Youth Transition, where she engages with other policymakers to discuss and share best practices around supporting youth and young adults with disabilities (Y&YADs) in their transitions to the workforce. In honor of Women’s History Month, Jade sat down for an interview with CAPE-Youth to discuss her leadership in the field of disability employment policy.

Tell us about your career journey and what led you to become the Director of Employment Policy at the Maryland Department of Disabilities.

I met someone who was an actor and ended up volunteering at the Model Secondary School for the Deaf, voicing their musicals, and coordinating a social club for young adults with disabilities. [At the same time I was] working and pursuing my master’s degree in Special Education with a specialization in Transition Services.  I was working at the Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities when I saw an ad for Executive Director of the Maryland’s Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (GCEPD). GCEPD was part of the Governor’s Office for Individuals with Disabilities which was elevated and became the Maryland Department of Disabilities in 2004, and my position was transitioned into the Director of Employment Policy.

What is your favorite part about working in the disability employment policy field? 

[My favorite parts] are the sheer variety of the work and being able to support emerging leaders, particularly minorities with disabilities. The barriers that exist are many: transportation, education, housing, healthcare, employer engagement and more.  I love the opportunity to collaborate and work across partners for meaningful systems change for all individuals with disabilities. No two days are the same!

What are some of the biggest and most unique obstacles that women with disabilities face?

In addition to the inequalities they face as women in the workplace, women with disabilities have the added layer of misperceptions regarding the skills and abilities of people with disabilities. Moreover, expectations related to gender, such as those regarding childcare and occupational stereotypes, further impede access to education and careers, making women with disabilities more likely to be underemployed.

What has been your biggest career and/or personal achievement?

I am incredibly proud of the theatre company I created and ran for several years for individuals with and without disabilities, in particular the production of the musical “WORKING” by Studs Terkel. It really reflected my personal passion and professional values. In terms of my professional accomplishments, there are many, but of note are co-founding Maryland’s Youth Leadership Forum, co-chairing the workgroup to eliminate subminimum wage in Maryland, and serving as project director for Maryland’s Promoting the Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income (PROMISE) grant, which was a large-scale research initiative to improve the education and employment outcomes of youth and their families that rely on Social Security Income (SSI).

What advice would you give young women about entering the workforce? What advice would you give to women who want to pursue your career? 

The only failed job is one from which nothing has been learned.  Get as much work experience as possible while in high school and college.  Internships are great ways to build your network and your resume. Also understand the difference between being an external advocate who has the freedom to make statements and take any position you want, versus working for the government, where you need to figure out how to make the case and bring well-researched and well-thought-out solutions that satisfy multiple key stakeholders and their limitations, whether by federal law, funding, or other parameters. Don’t expect change to happen fast and be prepared to have to try multiple times, in different ways, before finding the right combination.

What inspires you? 

I’m inspired by youth and their ability to embrace diversity of all kinds, particularly those self-advocates who are speaking up and out with pride, embracing and celebrating all facets of their being.

Jade’s push for progress demonstrates her commitment to honoring and embracing diversity, her collaborative leadership style, and her patience in pursuing complex and slow-moving systems change. Her approach serves as a model not just for women, but for all policymakers involved in disability policy. Much of Jade’s work concerns evidence-based practices to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities across states. For example, Jade’s efforts to remove the various barriers to employment that people with disabilities face – including transportation, housing, and healthcare – align with the “Connecting Activities” component of CAPE-Youth’s evidence-based Guideposts for supporting Y&YADs in their transitions. In addition, her work to eliminate the subminimum wage in Maryland fits into a larger, nationwide movement to promote competitive integrated employment for people with disabilities.

Check here to learn more about the Maryland Department of Disabilities’ mission statement and various programs and services.

Next in Line: Kate Cruickshank’s Road to Leadership

By: Kate Cruickshank and Matthew George

Women’s History Month is a time to recognize women’s voices and highlight how their contributions changed communities and influenced their environments, culture and society. [i] Youth leadership has risen to the forefront as more women leaders enter the workforce. To honor Women’s History Month, the Center for Advancing Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) interviewed Kate Cruickshank, a third-year student at the University of Oklahoma majoring in Mathematics and Public Health and minoring in Medical Humanities. She also serves as a member of the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) working group, which was launched by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

  1. Tell us about your education and career goals.

“I am a junior at the University of Oklahoma (OU), studying Mathematics and Public Health with a minor in Medical Humanities. My research has included projects looking at students’ perceptions of disabled students and accommodations at the undergraduate level and the experience of disability in undergraduate mathematics education. My career goals are broad, but I am firm in the direction of my profession: disability advocacy. I have long been a staunch proponent of accessibility, but it wasn’t until I myself became disabled that my drive for advocacy was solidified. I intend to enter a dual Juris Doctorate/Masters of Social Work degree program, with the hopes of developing a better understanding of how political and social systems affect individuals. Eventually, I would like to work in public policy, but believe it necessary to first work directly with communities and individuals. Wherever I end up, the ultimate goal for my career is advocacy.”

2. What advice do you have for young women with disabilities as they enter the workforce or postsecondary education?

“Getting acclimated to your university’s culture can feel disorienting for a time, and navigating these new spaces traditionally built for able bodies and minds may add a layer of complexity to your experience. My first and foremost suggestions for young disabled women entering postsecondary education is to get in touch with your disability services office. If you are unable to officially register for disability accommodations due to a lack of documentation, still reach out and ask how they can support you; being denied accommodations because you are unable to receive medical documentation can feel daunting and invalidating, but quite a few professors will be willing to work with you on a case-to-case basis.

Even with official accommodations, you may run into instructors who are disinclined or unaware of how to provide them for you. It is essential that you know what you are legally entitled to under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the protocols that your school has in place for students who run into discrimination such as this. Requesting accommodations, especially with invisible disabilities, can feel like a double-edged sword because of the commonly held stereotypes about disabled students. If I don’t request accommodations in an attempt to avoid these stereotypes, I may have to work harder than my non-disabled counterpart to keep up. On the other hand, when I do ask for accommodations, I feel myself working extra hard to prove that I am not the stereotype—which none of us are, because there is no such thing as ‘normal.’ All and all, you belong, and you deserve to take up space—whatever that space may look like.”

3. What are some of the biggest and most unique obstacles that women with disabilities face?

“Disabled women experience double discrimination. Women’s medical concerns are oftentimes dismissed as existing ‘in their heads,’ effectively disqualifying their own experiences. This, for me, has complicated my feelings around disclosing my disability status; I want to advocate for myself and my needs, but I also don’t want others to perceive me through the lens of my disability. Speaking for myself as a woman in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), I oftentimes feel as if I have to prove that I belong in these majority able bodied male spaces.

Sometimes though, no matter how much effort I put in, my sense of belonging remains the same. Since realizing this, I have stopped exerting my energy trying to fit into these spaces and have instead just begun to show up as myself—easier said than done, I know. Find places where you feel as if you and your knowledge are valued, and until you find those places, unapologetically take up space.”

4. Tell us about an accomplishment you are proud of.

“I recently completed my honors thesis examining the experience of disability in undergraduate mathematics classes with the intent of better understanding how these students understand their disability identities. My study was exploratory in nature, and after analyzing interviews with five disabled students I was able to identify a few factors within the mathematics learning environment that contribute to their disablement.

I was honored to present a poster of my work at the most recent Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) Conference this past February. There is little research in undergraduate mathematics education that prioritizes the disabled student’s experience, so I am proud that I was able to contribute to the mathematics education community in this way.”

5. What does leadership mean to you?

“A good leader is many things. They are accessible to the ideas and suggestions of others; they are willing to hand over responsibility to others, to delegate and place confidence in their team; they recognize the strengths and weaknesses of others while helping them to grow by supporting them in their endeavors; they allow for mistakes, which fosters a sense of safety and opens space for creative thinking. Above all, leadership demands empathy, honesty, commitment, dependability, and a strong ethical code in order to cultivate a community of care.”

[i] Congress, T. L. of, Administration, N. A. and R., Humanities, N. E. for the Art, N. G. of, Service, N. P., Institution, U. S. S., & Museum, U. S. H. M. (n.d.). Women’s History Month. Retrieved February 23, 2022, from

Oversight of ARPA Spending in the States

By Ben Eikey and Dakota Thomas 

The American Rescue Plan Act includes $350 billion in new funding for state, local, territorial and tribal governments through the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF). Utilizing this large influx of funds to maximize economic recovery presents both opportunities and challenges for states. Recognizing the desire of policymakers to develop and share best practices, the Council of State Governments conducted an extensive 50 state scan of the allocation of ARPA funds, focused on SLFRF. In November 2021, CSG analysts also compiled state ARPA online resources which were shared in this previous CSG blog. These state websites are updated using federally required state government reports on pandemic-related spending. This transparency enables more public participation in strengthening oversight to ensure prudent use of public resources.   

In a 2019 report on legislative oversight from the Levin Center (a national center with expertise on legislative oversight), legislatures in Alaska, California, Colorado, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina and Pennsylvania were determined to be particularly effective in using the budget/appropriations process to conduct oversight of spending. In partnership with the Levin Center, CSG analyzed ARPA reporting websites in these 11 states to assess oversight of the allocation of these federal funds. This article highlights promising state approaches to publishing ARPA spending data online. 

Among these states prioritizing budget/appropriations oversight, Minnesota has gone beyond U.S. Department of the Treasury requirements by posting detailed information on a public website about its use of pandemic relief funds. Updated daily, Minnesota’s tracker promises “checkbook” transparency of all state government spending, including ARPA funds. This approach allows the public and the media to augment oversight efforts by accessing granular information specifying how critically important funds are being used. Public and media access to this information puts more eyes on program spending enabling greater evaluation of efficiency and impact. This in turn can trigger legislative oversight investigations, hearings and reform. To make this external oversight function easily manageable, Minnesota offers a five-minute video on their website explaining how to navigate their system. 

As covered in the 2019 report, the approaches these 11 states take to appropriations oversight highlight various practices in funding transparency. A review of their ARPA websites reveals several pathways for spending itemization as states utilize ARPA funds.  

  • Maryland’s website includes detail on all federal funds including ARPA. Approved funds are broken down by agency name or unit name. Maryland could detail how much of approved funds have been spent in the future using this navigable webpage. 
  • Nevada’s public spending spreadsheet shows line-item grant recipients. Nevada may continue to build this resource with details on how grants will be spent in the future and a link to their state government website for more information on the programs receiving grants.  
  • North Carolina’s website offers information for ARPA funding recipients; infographics detailing the rollout of ARPA funds on topics like drinking water projects and broadband infrastructure; and slides presented to state agencies on navigating ARPA spending. They are set up to share spending details on topics of consistent interest. 

Other states have the opportunity to add more spending detail to make the use of ARPA funding more transparent. CSG and the Levin Center will continue monitoring ARPA spending websites to highlight various transparency approaches.  

This article was written in collaboration with the Levin Center at Wayne State Law School. 

Ben Eikey is the Manager of State Training and Communications for the Levin Center at Wayne State Law School. His specializes in legislative oversight and has traveled across the United States to conduct oversight workshops and panel discussions in state legislatures and with partner organizations like The Council of State Governments. 

Dakota Thomas is a Senior Research Analyst at The Council of State Governments. He helps manage the CSG policy research portfolio, including evidence-based policymaking and fiscal policy analysis. Dakota provides technical assistance to CSG members through the collection and analysis of data and work with academic partners.