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The mission of the Center for Innovation is to provide state policy-makers:

  • Objective, In-Depth Analysis of data and policy best practice to facilitate better understanding of existing and developing issues and assess available and potential solutions. 
  • Connections among policy leaders, federal and non-profit partners, and subject-matter experts to exchange insights and build partnerships.
  • Technical and Consulting Assistance to enable policy leaders to develop and implement forward-thinking solutions adapted to state and regional conditions and ambitions to improve the lives of people and the strength of communities and states.
  • An Inclusive Policy Portfolio that supports diverse populations and policy concerns.

The Latest News and Analysis From the CSG Center of Innovation

The Role of State Legislative Leaders in Policymaking

By Ishara Nanayakkara State legislative leadership roles directly impact the agendas and actions of legislatures. Although voters are responsible for electing officials, they have little direct say in who holds

State Approaches to Marijuana Policy

By Blair Lozier, Valerie Newberg and Dr. Dakota Thomas The adoption of varying types of policy addressing marijuana legality continues in many states despite the drug remaining a controlled substance

State Approaches to Address Homelessness and Increase Affordable Housing

By Jennifer Horton The U.S. has a shortage of affordable and available rental homes for extremely low-income households — those whose incomes are at or below the poverty guideline, or

State Actions to Improve Health Care

By Jennifer Horton Location can be crucial in determining a patient’s experience with the U.S. health care system. For example, residents of Texas are six-times more likely to be uninsured