SLLC Files Supreme Court Brief in Praying High School Football Coach Case

In Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, former assistant football coach Joseph Kennedy and the school district disagree over precisely why he was put on administrative leave. According to Kennedy, he wanted to say a “brief, quiet prayer by himself while at school and visible to students.” According to the school district, “Kennedy made a spectacle of delivering midfield prayers at the immediate conclusion of games and insisted that students must be allowed to join.” The State and Local Legal Center (SLLC) amicus brief argues the First Amendment doesn’t protect Kennedy’s speech.

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Justice Breyer Rejects Maine Church’s Request for Relief from COVID Restrictions Not Currently in Place

Justice Breyer, acting alone, ruled against a Maine church objecting in an emergency petition to the state’s COVID-restrictions on churches. Justice Breyer issued no written decision explaining his reasons. But it is likely he ruled this way because since May 24, 2021, Maine has had no capacity restrictions on indoor gatherings at houses of worship.

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